How to Use Holy Spirit, He Speaks 40-Day Bible Study in Your Women's Ministry

1. Host a Study Kick-Off Gathering

To get started, share the study plan with your participants and schedule future gatherings. Connect! Share experiences and desires. Discuss how you will hold each other accountable for 40 days.

2. Meet Weekly for Accountability

This is your chance to motivate participants throughout the journey, offer prayers, and share stories about how the Holy Spirit has communicated through the Scriptures.

3. Have a PARTY!

Let's celebrate the end of the 40-day journey and inspire participants to maintain a daily routine of Bible study. Recognize the challenges of busy lives and reward their spiritual progress.

4. Invite the Author as a Guest Speaker

This is totally optional but would be a nice touch to make the experience extra special. See the "Booking" page for more information.

* Bulk book orders are available on the "Shop" page

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